Monday, 20 March 2017

Linear Algebra - Implementation

Learners had to create a Linear Algebra Google sheet to evidence four weeks of learning. Sheet 1 showed the achievement criteria for the standard and learners had to rename that sheet with the grade that they were going to work towards eg Achieved, Merit or Excellence. and hopefully gain that grade for the summative assessment.

Learners had to “self-manage” their learning by tracking their progress on the Linear Algebra Class Task sheet and follow the Daily Planner. Feedback for all work was consistent with the achievement criteria for the standard and was in the form of Achieved, Merit or Excellence.

All learning was done using relevant contextual tasks which increased student engagement (Anderson, & Piazza, 1996, p. 53; Poromaa, 2013 and Silva, 2009, p. 632).

Contextual tasks included prices about

Conferencing was done with groups or with individuals when learners felt that they needed additional support.

Focus browsing on teacher dashboard was my secret weapon as learners were given access to subject-specific resources to help them self-manage their learning.

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