Thursday, 17 January 2019

Thank you and farewell

Thank you for following my blog over the years and taking the time to view/read/comment on my posts.

With your support, I was transformed from a reluctant to a somewhat prolific blogger and I thank you for that.
I will continue to blog at my new school, so feel free to continue to follow me on if you like.


  1. Hi Noelene, It is always a pleasure to link to your blog and catch up on what you are teaching and learning, as well as what your young people are achieving. I am pleased you are continuing to blog in 2019. I hope you meant you will be continuing to use this blog?


    1. Hi Dorothy
      Thank you for your comment. I do not think that I will still have access to my old school account, so thought I had better create a new one. I will however continue to blog and will endeavour to convince my new colleagues to do so as well.
