Thursday, 7 November 2019

Let the data tell the story

As we near the end of the year, I decided to take a closer look at published NCEA L1 and NCEA L2 Maths data for a few standards taught this year.
Below is NCEA Level 2 Simulation, worth 2 Literacy/Numeracy credits and
NCEA L2 Networks, worth 2 Numeracy credits.
The highest achievement has been for our Pasifika students where 100% of them achieved for both Simulation and Networks compared to national data for the same standard, where achievement was  74% and 76% respectively. Our Pasifika NCEA L2 maths students have clearly outperformed national data.

Overall 91% of the cohort gained credits for Simulation compared to 80% nationally and  93% gained credits for Networks compared to 80% nationally.

Below is a similar comparison with NCEA L1 Maths published data. Probability seems to be a strength for both Maori and Pasifika students.
The data shows that overall, 100% of our cohort gained credits for the Probability Achievement Standard compared to 94% nationally, 100% Maori gained credits compared to 85% nationally and 100% Pasifika gained credits compared to 81% nationally.

This strength in Probability is carried through to the NCEA L2 Probability Simulation standard as discussed above where 100% of our Pasifika learners gained credits.

NCEA L1 Algebra also proved to be successful as overall achievement was 94% compared to 86% nationally. 

Students deserve all the success because throughout their learning journey they showed that they could manage self, one of the 5 key competencies, track their progress while working at their own pace and sat assessments when they felt confident. Most of these students had had unpleasant experiences in maths prior to 2019, so I created a "CHEAT SHEET" for each standard taught just to build their efficacy in the subject and this has resulted in a huge shift in their achievement.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Patience is a virtue

Earlier this year, one of my Y12 learners struggled to commit to their learning. They completed one of two NCEA L2 standards, moved on to another course for term 2 and then transitioned to a nearby tertiary institution in term 3.

To my surprise, my learner returned in term 3 to complete unfinished work from term 1. He would set himself up every Friday and managed his learning by working through his unfinished term 1 programme.

Today (week 4), my learner finished his assessment and gained NCEA L2 Maths credits. While chatting to him he mentioned that he had set himself a few goals; one of them was sitting his driver's test next week. I am going to be bold and say that sitting his maths test was another of his goals.

Without patience and persistence, my learner would not have gained his L2 credits today. Patience is a virtue.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Review of term 2 data

My Physics Elective class in term 2, 11ELE B outperformed both my term 1 class , 11ELE A and national data as shown above
My term 2 Algebra class,  11MAT B had maximum success with 100% achieving. 11MAT A whom I taught in term 1 achieved higher that national data. The Probability data for both classes 11MAT A and 11MAT B has 100% success, once again outperforming national data as shown above.

The standards taught in term 1 were repeated in term 2 to a different cohort. My term 1 cohort, 12MAT A outperformed my term 2 cohort, 12MAT B.

Maori A (term 1 students) outperformed both Maori B (term 2 students) and national data; whereas Pasifika A (term 1 students) and B (term 2 students) both outperformed Coordinate Geometry National data - shown above

100% of Pasifika students in both terms 1 (Pasifika A) and 2 (Pasifika 2) achieved maximum success and outperformed national data

My reluctant learner is no more

I have a somewhat reluctant learner who gets bored/distracted quite easily so I had him work on an Algebra standard worth 3 credits for a while, then switched to Probability, another standard worth 3 credits. That continued all term and seemed to give him more confidence as his prior knowledge was fairly recent each time he switched standards. He was also armed with a teacher-created

Well it has paid off big learner sat his Algebra assessment on one day and gained 3 credits and then sat his Probability assessment the next and gained another 3 credits.

The 6 credits within 2 days seems remarkable, but I am more impressed by my learner's new-found confidence in his ability and he now knows what SUCCESS feels like........ My reluctant learner is no more

Friday, 7 June 2019

Working smarter not harder.............

In my 12MAT class, I have learners working on up to 4 different achievement standards at any given time and all are at varying levels of competence. In order to maximise engagement and give students more ownership of their learning, all the teaching and learning resources have been centralised on a Google site with teacher-created "Cheat Sheets", learning programmes, tracking sheets, exemplars, practice tests and rewindable learning opportunities which they can access 24/7.

In a bid to work smarter not harder, I have armed students with the tools for success thereby giving me an opportunity to conference with small groups or work one-on-one as opposed to drip feeding information to students and hampering their progress.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019


Just a follow up on my two previous posts about one of my undisciplined learners who was struggling to self manage, so I resorted to removing his laptop and making him work on paper,  has now had a change of heart.

He questioned me for a while about why I was taking such action and how long it would last, which I appreciated. Today, I gave him a choice of working online or on paper and he chose the former. He seems to have a renewed desire to be successful and is now showing commitment to his learning by focusing on the task at hand and initiating learning conversations whilst working  through his programme.  He has asked for assistance 3 times and not shown any signs of being distracted. What a joy to witness learners "managing self", one of the 5 Key Competencies in the NZ curriculum. He has been rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and much praise from me.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

I love it when a plan comes together

I love it when a plan comes previous post about "desperate times calls for desperate  measures" was a plan that did not come together. This is the evidence of my reluctant learner after 3 and a half hours of maths. To be honest, it was an intermittent 3 and a half hours with toilet breaks, water breaks, blowing nose breaks etc.

I had to come with a plan B and fast. My plan B is to always make plan A work, so my learner was given a laptop today and he chose to start a new standard. We went over 
expectations for the standard, 
criteria for achievement 
subject-specific terminology needed for the standard
a few "Cheats" and
did a few examples together to build his confidence in the subject.

Hopefully, my learner will spread his maths wings and fly.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Desperate times call for desperate measures

I did not think that I would have to acquaint myself with the photocopying machine or laminator (pictured below in case you too have forgotten).......

......and I cannot say the "good old days" because teachers and learners and in fact, society has moved on. So what has caused me to resort to these desperate measures? 

Recently I formalised my goal setting where I aim to increase participation by using the Key Competency "Managing self" and it is going fairly well with most of my learners engaging, participating and progressing fairly well. Going fairly well does not sit well with me and goes against one of our school values of being EXCELLENT. A few ......and by that I mean one or two, ok maybe up to three learners have minimal "managing self" skills and are ill-disciplined when learning online and using digital technology responsibly, another school value. 

In a desperate bid to get them engaging and actively participating with their learning, I have resorted to laminating resources specially for them which I hope only lasts a day. I am saddened that I had to resort to that option but desperate times call for desperate measures. 

Friday, 10 May 2019

L1 Algebra Rewindable learning

As promised in my previous post, I could not wait to get started on a rewindable learning resource to help familiarise students with expectations and academic success for particular achievement standards. This is my attempt at L1 Algebra worth 3 Numeracy credits and I eagerly await my new arrivals to see if this has the desired effect.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Teacher Reflection and Action - Term 2

These are my reflections after being at my school for a term.

STUDENT ENGAGEMENT - the majority of my learners in all classes sat their formative and  summative assessments before the due date as they felt confident enough about expectations for each standard and had provided sufficient evidence of their learning journey.

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT -  my learners academic achievement was above national achievement data for each standard taught during the term

WHANAU ENGAGEMENT - participation in learning conversations at our Home School Partnership (HSP) evening increased from 52% the previous year in term 1 to 71% in 2019 in term 1.

I ended the term on a high and was eager to continue the trend in term 2.

With the transition of students to completely different courses and teachers in term 2, I am finding that it is taking longer for my learners to settle into new routines which seemed to work so well the previous term. I realised that rolling enrolments started much later in term 1 compared to term 2, so my learners who had previously had more time to adjust to classroom routines and expectations as a group, now had to contend with new enrolments much earlier in the term. The rest of the class were not ready to self-manage (one of the 5 key competencies) to an acceptable standard when I devoted time to those who had enrolled  late so early in the new term.

I had 2 options:
Option 1 - suggest that the school delay late enrolments till after week 4 to give me and my students time to set up sound working relationships. This is not even worth voicing to our Senior Leadership Team as it goes against our kaupapa; I had to come up with a more viable option which brings me to.....

Option 2 - invest time into creating REWINDABLE learning resources for students where they can hear me explaining or outlining expectations, success criteria and strategies needed for the various standards which will save me spreading myself too thinly and make settling in more manageable for learners and me.

I promise to post a rewindable resource soon and look forward to getting your feedback to help me improve.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Time flies when you are having fun

There is a saying, "Time flies when you are having fun"........ I am going to be bold and assume that my 12MAT class has had fun while learning this term as an analysis of their data is quite pleasing; thanks to the foresight of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and supportive staff who organised a "Catch Up" day for senior students. As a result of the"catch up" day, 90% of my 12MAT students have credits this term with 100% achievement for assessments sat.

We are ending the term strongly and with a sense of achievement which should hold us in good stead for a promising term 2. "Success breeds success" this space for term 2 updates.

Friday, 5 April 2019

12MAT Student voice - NCEA L2 Networks

My 12MAT students started the year with a clear focus on achievement. Once a CHEAT SHEET was shared and explained, students were super keen to get on with their learning journey. Feedback was given via a tracking sheet where students could work at their own pace, monitor their progress and then sit their assessment when they felt the confidence to do so. National data shows a success rate of 79%.  My 12MAT class has 100% achievement for the NCEA L2 Networks standard and below is some of the student voice from a survey done just before attempting a practice test

Something NEW9 responses
I learnt about nodes and traversability
What a network and nodes are.
Nodes,Shortest Route, Minimum Spanning Tree
Dijkstra and Krushals algorrithim
mimimum spanning tree

The strategy (ies) that I used for this standard were9 responses
Finding traversable circuits by finding 0 or 2 odd nodes
Shortest path, Traversability and Minimum spanning tree
Work at a pace that is suitable for me. Read the question properly. Take my time, but also getting all my work done. Be confident in my work and answers.
Shortest Route, Traversabilty,Minimum Spanning Tree
the zero or two odd node checking strategy
using low numbers
Kruskal's Algorithm
What can your teacher do differently to assist you to become successful9 responses
nothing shes is the best teacher
Nothing. My teacher has taught me perfectly.
She's a fantastic teacher :)
nothing to change
exactly as they are doing now
What can your whanau do differently to assist you to become successful9 responses
nothing everything is fine
Nothing really. Maybe just to encourage me.
not sure
What can your friends do differently to assist you to become successful9 responses
working together
Doing their work and not be distracting.
not sure
What can YOU do differently to assist you to become successful9 responses
Focus more on the topic
nothing because i do the work
Find a way to concentrate better.
Work Hard
focus on the topic
Be more focused, gain more passion for Math
What support or encouragement has your teacher given you for this Achievement Standard9 responses
Shes encouraged me when i made mistakes
Let me work at my own pace.
Helping me and letting me understand better :)
detailed help and explanations when i am unsure of something
telling me i can do it
That it is possible to achieve as long as you keep trying

11MAT Student voice

As we near the end of a busy term, students are focusing on finishing standards and assessments and teachers are reflecting on the term that was.

Below is some student voice from my 11MAT class for their Linear Algebra standard worth 3 credits.

Something NEW (I learned...)-
How to automatically get the SUM of each question, how to group, how to read across the line,
how to remotely do algebra
how to use the laptop. and how to do algebra
how to work out the line graph
how to form an equation
I learnt a faster way to calculate the equations
A friend taught me how to form an equat…1
how to graph my work1
how to merge cells1
i taught Sam how to merge cells and als…1
nothing i did it by myself1
to create a graph and properly format i…1
use the computer1
Something BLUE (I struggled with...)11 responses
Solving the equation
getting the SUM in the correct order according to the forming equation order
how to format a graph and not make mistakes
i struggled with the computer
naming the line graph
nothing really
ask for help
nothing really
How to solve the equation
What STRATEGY/STRATEGIES helped you with this standard11 responses
Asking the teacher lol
grouping and using SUM to automatically get the answers for questions
chunking and reading on the line
chunking secret words
by understanding and focusing
by writing my work out than doing it
the chunking part
The solving equations part. =sum( )
By the end of this topic, my confidence level was11 responses

12345024680 (0%)0 (0%)1 (9.1%)2 (18.2%)8 (72.7%)
What can your teacher do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
feed me
encouraged us and helped when we were stuck.
keep on being an amazing teacher
im not sure
nothing keep doing what she's doing
shes a very good teacher, she does everything she can to help you even if shes busy. so shes already met my standard.
helpful and understanding
Nothing much really because she has already helped me
What can your whanau do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
feed me more
keep on encouraging me
give me money
Give me 1million dollars
by doing my work
What can your friends do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
stop being annoying
Not distract me
stop being annoying,
not distract me
not anoy me
Help me when asked
Help me when i ask for help.
advice and helping me
stop distracting me
What can YOU do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
remove myself from any distractions
Stay on task, distance myself from my friends
focus a bit more, not lose any focus when people talk to me
be more concentrated
i an be smarter
Do as asked
change my attitude towards learning because i get distracted easily
focusing , work hard
stay on task
focus more
Come school daily
What support or encouragement has your teacher given you for this Standard?11 responses
Moral and mental support
by giving me constructive feedback and helping me improve and stop making mistakes by teaching me to do it correctly
helped me
she basically taught me everything
asking me if im alright
a lot of support and encouragement
Helping me understand how to do this standard in a easier way