Below is some student voice from my 11MAT class for their Linear Algebra standard worth 3 credits.
Something NEW (I learned...)-
How to automatically get the SUM of each question, how to group, how to read across the line,
how to remotely do algebra
how to use the laptop. and how to do algebra
how to work out the line graph
how to form an equation
I learnt a faster way to calculate the equations
Something BLUE (I struggled with...)11 responses
Solving the equation
getting the SUM in the correct order according to the forming equation order
how to format a graph and not make mistakes
i struggled with the computer
naming the line graph
nothing really
ask for help
nothing really
How to solve the equation
What STRATEGY/STRATEGIES helped you with this standard11 responses
Asking the teacher lol
grouping and using SUM to automatically get the answers for questions
chunking and reading on the line
chunking secret words
by understanding and focusing
by writing my work out than doing it
the chunking part
The solving equations part. =sum( )
By the end of this topic, my confidence level was11 responses
What can your teacher do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
feed me
encouraged us and helped when we were stuck.
keep on being an amazing teacher
im not sure
nothing keep doing what she's doing
shes a very good teacher, she does everything she can to help you even if shes busy. so shes already met my standard.
helpful and understanding
Nothing much really because she has already helped me
What can your whanau do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
feed me more
keep on encouraging me
give me money
Give me 1million dollars
by doing my work
What can your friends do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
stop being annoying
Not distract me
stop being annoying,
not distract me
not anoy me
Help me when asked
Help me when i ask for help.
advice and helping me
stop distracting me
What can YOU do differently to assist you to become successful?11 responses
remove myself from any distractions
Stay on task, distance myself from my friends
focus a bit more, not lose any focus when people talk to me
be more concentrated
i an be smarter
Do as asked
change my attitude towards learning because i get distracted easily
focusing , work hard
stay on task
focus more
Come school daily
What support or encouragement has your teacher given you for this Standard?11 responses
Moral and mental support
by giving me constructive feedback and helping me improve and stop making mistakes by teaching me to do it correctly
helped me
she basically taught me everything
asking me if im alright
a lot of support and encouragement
Helping me understand how to do this standard in a easier way
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