Thursday, 28 February 2019

New Beginnings

My gorgeous Manaiakalani colleagues reminded me that even though I have changed schools, I can still use this blog - THANK YOU......Here goes.....

I am still settling in and learning the ropes and thoroughly enjoying the experience at my new school. My primary focus is still teaching and learning and my students have responded well to the use of a CHEAT sheet with achievement criteria, LITERACY strategies and LEARNING strategies which has been encouraging learners to attempt set tasks with more vigour. Quite a few are working at a pace ahead of the scheduled deadline and in conjunction with a tracking sheet, they are able to self-manage their progress.

Through informal chats, quite a few of my learners HATE maths and/or do not think that they are good at maths,

44% of my L1 students have sat and passed their first test a week before the scheduled date and have already made a start on their next standard.

Student voice has shown that the NEW learning has been around the effective use of technology in maths AND the use the literacy strategy CHUNKING.

On a scale of 1-5, all have found their confidence in maths to be between 4 and 5.

My challenge is to keep my learners meaningfully engaged and working to a high standard.

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