Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Worth the wait

What a GREAT day.........
One of my priority learners has gained their first, of hopefully many credits in maths today. So what has attributed to this success?

Teacher action
Student action/reaction
Goal setting activity
Goals set with actions needed for success
Minimal shift in effort and engagement
Achievement objectives from the NZ curriculum written in "student speak".
Sense of ownership of the learning as objectives were clear
Slight improvement in effort and engagement
Use of the “Chunking” literacy strategy
Evidence of “Chunking” was visible for each activity where the learner took contextual tasks of up to 15 lines long and condensed it into 5 bite-sized chunks.
Engagement increased and more work was being attempted but it was insufficient for NCEA L1
Shared a learning strategy called “Association”
Learner looked for a fraction, decimal and percent, linked it to another number and then linked it all to a statement (what they were finding)
The learner’s thought process was clear, but there was still a lack of evidential sufficiency for NCEA L1 (learner did not believe in their ability)
Communication with whanau about how best we could both support the learner for success with NCEA L1
Learner realised that he needed to take more responsibility for his learning as both teacher and whanau had great faith in his ability to achieve..
Learner efficacy improved as the quality and quantity of work met the requirements for NCEA L1
Constant reinforcement of my belief in his ability
Learner had his eye on the prize, attempted and completed all set tasks, tracked his progress on the class tracking sheet and turned up to after-school study classes, voluntarily.
Learner gained 4 credits in maths

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