Friday, 25 August 2017

NCEA L1 Multivariate Statistics SOLO Taxonomy

Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes - Multivariate Statistics 91035
Extended abstract
I need help using the PPDAC cycle
I can
important information
I can describe any 3 features
I can explain and compare any 2 features with justification
I can reflect on any 3 features by comparing with justification and predict outcomes using another population

NCEA L1 Bivariate Statistics SOLO Taxonomy

SOLO Taxonomy

Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes - Bivariate Statistics 91036
Extended abstract
I need help using the PPDAC cycle
I can
important information
I can describe the relationship in context and trend line
I can explain the strength of the relationship
I can predict (extrapolate and interpolate) and reflect on limitations

NCEA L1 Linear Algebra SOLO Taxonomy

SOLO Taxonomy

Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes -  Linear Algebra 91029
Extended abstract
I need help with the variable and constant
I can
important information
I can
describe (form) equations and do calculations
I can
explain (interpret) tables and graphs
I can
create and solve equations

NCEA L1 Number SOLO Taxonomy

Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes
          Number 91026

Extended abstract
I need help with basic maths skills
I can
important information
I can
do 3 different calculations
I can
explain my thinking and solve
I can
create alternate answers

Bivariate Statistics - Cheat Sheet

Statistics (Bivariate) - Internal  3 credits - Literacy/Numeracy
Correct use of the PPDAC cycle

Problem - What is the relationship between
Plan - number of trials (30) and detail about how you are going to collect data
Data - Table
Analysis - Scatterplot
Conclusion - Point, Explain, Example
PPDAC + Relationship and trend
PPDAC + Strength of relationship (in context) and explanation
PPDAC + Example (in context). Limitations of the investigation, Interpolation and Extrapolation
Literacy Strategy:
PPDAC Cycle and PEE chain
Give one Get one
Teaching Strategy
Trend line slopes uPPositive relationship, both variables increase
Trend line slopes dowN, Negative relationship, one variable increases, while other decreases

(when you have a strong relationship, you are close to someone)

Strong relationship: Data is CLOSE to the trend line

Moderately strong relationship: Some Data is CLOSE and some data is FAR from the trend line

Weak relationship: Data is FAR from the trend line

Valuing our whanau

This is my story.......... All my efforts of:
-goal setting
-scaffolding the learning
-rewriting learning objectives in "student speak"
-being explicit about subject-specific literacy strategies
-sharing teacher-created learning strategies
-using experiential learning
-giving verbal and written feedback
-using our school's VTaL (Visible Teaching and Learning) framework
-having positive conversations..................has not had the desired effect of increasing Maori learner engagement and therefore success in maths.

 One of my disengaged Maori learners showed minimal shift with regard to effort and attitude in class; that was common across all NCEA L1 subject areas.

I felt that I had no more to offer.............., so I contacted whanau with ONE message, "I need you to help me, help your child" by............ and I listed what we could both do to help their child get a taste of academic success. I refrained from saying what was obvious; that the learner had 0 credits, struggled to focus in class, gave up before attempting set tasks, had little desire to achieve, was reluctant to accept help from both teacher or peers.

Whanau agreed to support the learner by setting aside time at home for him to review what he had done during the day and to continue with his learning programme at home. I made a commitment to encourage the learner to take advantage of additional one-to-one after school support and to continue to give him real-time feedback using NCEA criteria so that he could gauge his quality of grade after each set task and not have wait after the summative task was completed.

Whanua kept their word and I  noticed a shift in attitude and engagement where the learner voluntarily attended after school classes, actively sought assistance and clarification about the learning and now my disengaged learner is NO MORE. He now walks into class with his shoulders back and is ready to engage meaningfully with his learning. He has shifted from 0 credits to 7 within a few weeks. Being explicit about learner needs and VALUING WHANAU SUPPORT has worked wonders.
Benefit for the learner: academic success
Benefit for the whanau: positive relationship with their child's teacher
Benefit for the teacher: confident learner, brighter future.

My inquiry in a nutshell.....the more a teacher teaches, the less learners learn, so let us teachers lovingly do less so that learners can learn more

Making teaching, learning and feedback visible and sharing NCEA L1 data with learners to inform my teaching practice so that there is a shift in academic achievement of Maori Learners
50% of our Maori Learners achieved L1 Numeracy the previous year compared to our national decile equivalent of 68.7%. 2017 school target is 80%.
NCEA L1 Maori learners in 1104MAT
VTaL framework          Google calendar       Sharing data with learners       Goal setting        Literacy Strategies

Teaching and learning strategies        Achievement objectives in “student speak”         Positive conversations

Appreciation postcards                Communicating with whanau about how WE can best support the learner TOGETHER
Communication with whanau about how best we could both support the learner for success.
Both teacher and whanau had great faith in their ability to achieve.
Learner efficacy improved as the quality and quantity of work met the requirements for NCEA L1
Constant reinforcement of teacher belief in learner ability
"Every time you called my mum whether it was something good or bad it motivated me to do better in maths. The calls my mum received also helped me work harder to ask the teacher for help instead of acting like i know what im doing"

-talk less and give us more time to do our work
-let me listen to music
-Shes so positive and supports us better then most teachers.
-keeping the wifi on at night so I can do late night studies
-offer more support
-do work
-focus more
-sit in the front of the class

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

I am well pleased

After an excruciating wait for my Maori learners to gain credits in maths, we seem to be reaping the rewards. One of my learners seems to have blossomed over the last 2 weeks by shifting from 0 to 7 credits. This is the e-mail he sent me about his change in attitude, effort and progress in maths.

"Every time you called my mum whether it was something good or bad it motivated me to do better in maths. The calls my mum received also helped me work harder to ask the teacher for help instead of acting like i know what im doing"

It is now onward and upward with my little treasure....................................... and I am well pleased.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Worth the wait, take 2

One of my priority learners, who sat their first maths assessment last week was successful and gained 4 credits. His whole demeanour has since changed (for the better) and he is now more vocal about his learning needs and very specific about the support that he needs. Less than a week a later, he is now sitting his second assessment.

My takeaway is that parental support and teacher belief in the student has had the greatest impact on this learner's achievement in conjunction with giving the learner subject-specific skills eg literacy strategies and teaching and learning strategies.

My follow-up after the learner gained credits, was to contact whanau via phone and send a congratulatory postcard home.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Worth the wait

What a GREAT day.........
One of my priority learners has gained their first, of hopefully many credits in maths today. So what has attributed to this success?

Teacher action
Student action/reaction
Goal setting activity
Goals set with actions needed for success
Minimal shift in effort and engagement
Achievement objectives from the NZ curriculum written in "student speak".
Sense of ownership of the learning as objectives were clear
Slight improvement in effort and engagement
Use of the “Chunking” literacy strategy
Evidence of “Chunking” was visible for each activity where the learner took contextual tasks of up to 15 lines long and condensed it into 5 bite-sized chunks.
Engagement increased and more work was being attempted but it was insufficient for NCEA L1
Shared a learning strategy called “Association”
Learner looked for a fraction, decimal and percent, linked it to another number and then linked it all to a statement (what they were finding)
The learner’s thought process was clear, but there was still a lack of evidential sufficiency for NCEA L1 (learner did not believe in their ability)
Communication with whanau about how best we could both support the learner for success with NCEA L1
Learner realised that he needed to take more responsibility for his learning as both teacher and whanau had great faith in his ability to achieve..
Learner efficacy improved as the quality and quantity of work met the requirements for NCEA L1
Constant reinforcement of my belief in his ability
Learner had his eye on the prize, attempted and completed all set tasks, tracked his progress on the class tracking sheet and turned up to after-school study classes, voluntarily.
Learner gained 4 credits in maths

Thursday, 10 August 2017

And then there were 4.....

From 9 Maori learners at the start of the year, down to 4 in term 3. A recent change in circumstance, has resulted in one of my learners being transferred to another school. It is a sad day as this learner was blossoming, gained much confidence in maths and was the highest Maori academic achiever in this class.