Thursday, 8 June 2017

Monitor and adjust

"There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction." –John F. Kennedy

To avoid complacency,  a few key moves were trialled to improve learner commitment and raise academic achievement.

The table below outlines the achievement criteria, in "student speak", for the Number Achievement Standard worth 4 numeracy credits. 

Number - Internal  4 credits - Numeracy
Fraction, Decimal, Percent, Integers, Ratio, Rounding (in context)
any 3
Answer the question
Provide reasonable alternative answers
Literacy Strategy:

Teaching Strategy
Look for the Fraction, Decimal Percent or Integer, link it to a number and a keyword(s).
For ratio, find the relationship between numbers.

Statement                          Working                        Answer
(what are you finding)       (+, -, x, )                  (solution with units)

Learners had to
READ what was in the table
EXPLAIN using prior knowledge what Fraction, Decimal, Percent,
Integers, Ratio and Rounding meant to them and an example was done collaboratively.

Integers and Ratio seemed the least familiar, so that was the start to our whole class discussion.
Literacy Strategy
The literacy strategy "Chunking" had an unusual meaning for some, like
throwing numbers in chucking, so Chunking was explained as having a plate full of food where we had 2 options:
option 1 - stuff as much as we can into our mouths until we choke/get sick OR
option 2 - take bite-sized pieces of food, chew and swallow slowly before taking another bite.
So chunking took on a new meaning for learners in maths. It meant reading the contextual question slowly and highlighting bite-sized pieces of important information
Teaching Strategy
Find the Fraction, Decimal, Percent, Integer or Ratio, link it to another number and to a keyword(s). That number becomes part of your working and the keyword(s) become your statement.

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