Friday, 7 June 2019

Working smarter not harder.............

In my 12MAT class, I have learners working on up to 4 different achievement standards at any given time and all are at varying levels of competence. In order to maximise engagement and give students more ownership of their learning, all the teaching and learning resources have been centralised on a Google site with teacher-created "Cheat Sheets", learning programmes, tracking sheets, exemplars, practice tests and rewindable learning opportunities which they can access 24/7.

In a bid to work smarter not harder, I have armed students with the tools for success thereby giving me an opportunity to conference with small groups or work one-on-one as opposed to drip feeding information to students and hampering their progress.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019


Just a follow up on my two previous posts about one of my undisciplined learners who was struggling to self manage, so I resorted to removing his laptop and making him work on paper,  has now had a change of heart.

He questioned me for a while about why I was taking such action and how long it would last, which I appreciated. Today, I gave him a choice of working online or on paper and he chose the former. He seems to have a renewed desire to be successful and is now showing commitment to his learning by focusing on the task at hand and initiating learning conversations whilst working  through his programme.  He has asked for assistance 3 times and not shown any signs of being distracted. What a joy to witness learners "managing self", one of the 5 Key Competencies in the NZ curriculum. He has been rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and much praise from me.