Monday, 3 September 2018

Mid term 3 analysis

In 1105MAT, Maori on 0 credits (55%) is much higher compared to Non Maori on 0 credits (20%). 
Maori with L1 Numeracy (27%) is slightly higher than non-Maori with L1 Numeracy (20%).

We still have a way to go if we wish to meet our school goal of 80% Maori learners achieving NCEA L1 Numeracy this year. We are now into the "catch-up" phase of our programme where all assessment deadlines that were missed throughout the year, are now being revisited. We are having to review our 
-expectations for success
-literacy strategies and
-teaching and learning strategies
before we can make any headway.

This "catch-up" session is motivating a few learners to work with new deadlines.

100% Maori in 1104MAT have L1 Numeracy which is much higher compared to 33% non-Maori. These learners have surpassed the school goal of 80% achieving NCEA L1 Numeracy.

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