Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Student Voice

Student Voice
I felt super confident with Algebra because we had a programme
to work through and Mrs Dunn gave us Literacy strategies, like reading
on the line for Achieved and reading between the lines for Merit.
We also learned to use =sum(...) to solve equations.
All that helped me get a merit grade, my first merit in year 11.

I felt confident using the programme, literacy strategies and tracking sheet.

I learnt how to read between the lines to help me get Merit

Monday, 26 March 2018

Teaching and learning with Mrs Dunn

Teaching and learning  was done through a
teacher-created cheat sheet
which included:
Achievement criteria
Literacy strategies
Teaching/learning strategies

“Chunking” literacy strategy
(break up the context into bite-sized pieces)
was used extensively
All evidence of learning was done on a
google sheet, so that learner evidence and
feedback was in one place
A tracking sheet was used to help with the
Key Competency, “managing self” to make learners
accountable for their own learning journey/success.
Learning was done independently, collaboratively
or through conferencing

Friday, 23 March 2018

Developing teacher knowledge and cheats to improve instruction

For our linear algebra standard, I had to
-have a clear understanding of content requirements for the standard

-understand achievement criteria by accessing standard clarifications
via the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) site

-make Algebra exemplars accessible to learners via my teaching site

-join online communities/teacher organisations to gain further
professional development

Whilst planning I had to consider culturally responsive practices to
support the achievement of all students by providing effective teaching
and learning in a culturally supported, learner-centred context.
This was done by chunking achievement criteria (Achieved, Merit, Excellence)
so that learners knew what evidence was needed to support their learning/success.
All teaching/learning was done in context to support “language in abundance”
and learner responses/explanations had to include the context. The detailed
learning programme for the standard was available via the
teacher’s Google calendar/Google site from day 1, so that learners could
access their learning at any time and work at a pace that was pertinent to them.
A tracking sheet was used to help with the Key Competency, “managing self”
as learners were accountable for their own learning journey/success.
For learners to comprehend the systems/strategies that I had created,
I had to be very explicit about the purpose and desired outcome for each
of them and this was reinforced almost daily until learners trusted my intentions.

A few of our contexts included comparing costs of:
Pizza prices - Learners were familiar with the context as we have a few pizza parlours in our community. Cost per pizza had to be explained.

Taxi fares - all were familiar with paying per km, but flagfall was a new word for most learners

Airline baggage costs - all seemed familiar with this context

Landscape costs - a consultation fee was foreign to all

Effective teaching and learning  was done through a teacher-created
cheat sheet where learners were guided how to form and solve equations
and the introduction of a few literacy strategies like

-“chunking” (break up the context into bite-sized pieces)

-“word definition” (per, flagfall, consultation fee, flat rate)

-“3 level guide” (read on the line as evidence of substitution - Achieved,
read between the lines as evidence of explaining/interpreting for Merit and
read beyond the line as evidence of creating and solving new equations
as evidence for Excellence.

Teaching/learning strategies included
-Looking for secret words like: each, every, one, single per
to identify the variable and form equations

-Using the =SUM(.....) formula to solve equations

-Colour coding cheaper options to build confidence and then explaining in context

Tracking progress/achievement

The college’s ViTaL tracking sheet was used where learners were given a green square for work completion for each activity and orange for incomplete. This system not only encourages self-management but to also prompts learning conversations about specific needs which are often easily addressed/resolved as learners can articulate their needs.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Fingers dancing on the keyboard

Goal setting, time management and learning strategies have been shown to lead to success for learners with diverse learning needs (Zimmerman, 2002).

My learners are using this approach as each one has set an achievement goal (achieved, merit or excellence) for our current standard and they have a series of activities to work through in order to build up their confidence and show evidence of their learning/understanding. We use the college's ViTaL tracking sheet where learners can see how well they are progressing on a daily basis.

Some learners are tracking extremely well and working ahead of our scheduled time-frame while others have not quite met the expectation to self-manage effectively. A recent instruction to my learners has been, "I need to see your fingers dancing on the keyboard" as a way to minimise distractions and get them back on task. One of my priority learners suggested I hold onto his cell phone till the end of the period as it was difficult to have dancing fingers on the keyboard as well as texting on his phone. He managed to put in a huge effort that day. Will keep you posted as to how our dancing fingers are helping raise achievement in maths.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Building self confidence in maths

This is how learners are using Literacy and Teaching Strategies to gain confidence
with NCEA L1 Linear Algebra.
Step 1 - Understand the criteria for achievement

Form equations
Solve equations (line graph) Substitute
Interpret data(in context)
Create and solve your own equation
Literacy Strategy:
Teaching Strategy
3 Level Guide
Achieved - Read on the line
Merit - Read between the lines
Excellence - Read beyond the lines
Forming equations:
Look for secret words:
each, every, single, one, per;
that number gets the letter

Solving equations:

Interpreting data:
Colour code cheapest prices
and explain in context

Step 2 - Read the contextual question
Dominoes is selling pizzas for $8 each and delivery costs are $5. Their competitor,
Pizza Hut has a $3 delivery charge and each pizza is sold for $10.50.

Step 3 - Use a Literacy Strategy
Chunking: Dominoes has 2 numbers linked to it,  $8 and $5
                Pizza Hut has 2 numbers linked to it,  $3 and $10.50

Step 4 - Use a Teaching Strategy
Look for secret words in the contextual task; that number gets the letter
Dominoes,  $8 each, so 8 gets the letter and 5 does not
Pizza Hut, each pizza  $10.50, so 10.50 gets the letter and 3 does not

Step 5 - Form an equation based on Step 4 Teaching Strategy
Dominoes: Cost = 8p + 5

Pizza Hut: Cost = 10.50p + 3

Literacy Strategies for Linear Algebra

For our Linear Algebra standard, we are using the "chunking" and "3 Level Guide"
literacy strategies.

Chunking encourages learners to break up contextual information into "bite-sized"
pieces to enhance understanding and the 3 Level Guide supports them to provide
a clear purpose and direction. The three levels are:

- literal (we call it reading on the line - you can see the evidence clearly in front of you)
-interpretive (we call it reading between the lines - compare and explain)
-applied (we call it reading beyond the lines - create an equation to make an informed decision)

The 3 levels of 3 Level Guide fit in perfectly with criteria for Achieved, Merit and Excellence.

Algebra - Internal 3 credits - Numeracy
Form equations
Solve equations (line graph) Substitute
Interpret data(in context)
Create and solve your own equation
Literacy Strategy:
Teaching Strategy
3 Level Guide
Achieved - Read on the line
Merit - Read between the lines
Excellence - Read beyond the lines
Forming equations: Look for secret words:
each, every, single, one, per;
that number gets the letter

Solving equations:

Interpreting data:
Colour code cheapest prices

Things can only get better

Let's get the disappointing news out the way so that we can focus on the good.
None of my 13 Maori learners met the deadline to sit their Bivariate Statistics assessment, so we have decided to move onto our next standard, Linear Algebra, and hopefully complete the learning and do the assessment before the due date so that we can revisit Bivariate Statistics before the end of term 1.

Learners had already been given extra teaching and learning time for Bivariate Statistics and it did not have the desired effect so we are still working on the level of commitment needed for NCEA L1 success and raising student self-efficacy. Things can only get better......

Monday, 5 March 2018

Success breeds success

“Success breeds success” - lack of prior success in maths has some

learners making excuses for putting in minimal effort in maths and others

struggling to focus on the task at hand; they do not know what success
in maths looks and feels like. Bad experiences and/or failure in maths
from previous years need to be addressed and new experiences/successes
created. Only one of the thirteen Maori learners have scored above the norm
in the previous year on their Progressive Achievement Test (PAT).

Giving learners autonomy over the pace at which they are working/achieving by
using the college’s Visible Teaching and Learning framework (VTaL) should give
them a clearer idea about their progress or lack thereof on a daily basis, giving
them sufficient time to seek support or to gauge their progress before sitting any
internal assessments;

Goal setting to determine quality of grade and effort/evidence needed for the
standard has given learners something to work towards. To improve student efficacy
in maths, we have been using targeted literacy strategies, like “word definition”,  
“word bank” and “mnemonics” for our Bivariate Statistics standard and
a teacher-designed template to guide learners thinking when talking
about Bivariate relationships has been shared/discussed, as seen below

Trend line, slopes uP
Positive relationship
between the variables
Both variables increase

(Use similar words)
Trend line, slopes dowN
Negative  relationship
between the variables
One variable increases
while the other decreases
(Use opposite words)
Trend line is horizontal
No relationship
between the variables
When one variable
increases, the other can
either increase or decrease
Learners are closely monitoring their progress using the ViTaL tracking sheet and
are asking for feedback on a more regular basis to either move onto the next task
or to edit existing work to a higher quality.

The teacher-designed template has given learners something to rely on when
needed and to encourage consistency when working on this standard.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Student Voice

Students were asked to complete a Pre-Test Confidence Google form and their responses are documented below. A similar form was completed with my level 1 class in 2017 and an overwhelming response was for the teacher to allow students to listen to music in class and for whanau to keep the internet on at night.

I took learner feedback on board and this year learners can listen to music on condition that they have an earphone in one ear and the other ear is free to hear instructions. It seems to be working.

How much effort have you put into your learningWhat can your teacher do differently, to assist you in becoming successful?What can your whanau do differently, to assist you in becoming successful?What can your friends do differently, to assist you in becoming successful?What support or encouragement has your teacher given you for this standard?What can you do differently, to maximise your learning
Meritnothing (2)nothing (2)less talking about other subjects, and to help each othergood advice, and encourages not only me but the class to work hard and gain creditsstay focused and to be more confident
MeritNothing I just need to work harderHelp (2)nothingto go for merit or excellencekeep studying on this assessment
AchievedJust keep doing what shes doing.nothingNothingshe has helped me with all my worklisten more in class and work hard
MeritHelpLend some helpStop being distractions, also help each other out.Positive encouragement and support.Stay on task and try my best.
MeritNothingReminding to do ym homework so i can finish off tasks i haven't completed.HelpTo go for MeritStudy
MeritGive me maths works to do at homeleave the net on lolNothingHelpHelp
Achievedhelp me morenothing because they dont get this learning because we will never use it and we dont need itworking along with meGiving me feed backDo some work at home so I can be prepared for the exams & the next day in what we`re learning
Achievedidkgiving me some time to have a go at the work, and see if i understand.stop influencing meshe has given me more then i expectedafter school study
Achievedalways giving me feedback about my learning.Its all under control.nothing what can they do to help meidkidk
MeritNothing more. She does enough with supervision,help and making sure everyones ahead of time.Keep supporting me and helping me.stop distracting me and also don't go on their phones while i'm working next to them.so much support and also she gives me more info about what are we working on.listening more in class and move away from the people that i know is a distraction to my learning.
MeritJust go into more depth when teaching lessons.motivate me to do my homeworkWork with me,and understand that together we bot can learn something.She's done well above. She's pushed me and our whole class so far,to make sure we're updated with all the resources needed,and she motivates each individual by reminding us of the achievement our goals are set to achieve.Keep my attendance up,and hand in assessment before due date!... And have a positive mindset..
Meritgive us more details of our learningmake sure that I have a devices in schoolBe more supportive.To try my best.Be more on task.
MeritGive us more workNothing. They're helping me all the cantry not to get distracted when learningshe encourage me by keep tryingtry and distance myself from friends
MeritNothing really. I'm the wnos not paying attentionNothing really. They've already pushed me in a higher state to achieve my goals.Dont talk durning class timeFor this standard mrs Dunn has supported me by giving me help and showing us examples on the baordFinish my work dont let anybody talk to you
MeritExplain and describe the tasks in a different matter, so we'll be able to understand and persuade ourselves to finish of tasks that're set for us.Just to support me and help if needed.Try not to distract me.She has given me a lot of support and stuff, But I can't be specific right nowtry and distance myself from my friends and pay attention more in class
MeritNothing really. just to continue helping us and teaching us until we understand.Work in the same paste and multi task if you wish to work together.I've already got support and encouragement throughout my time here.Finish of my externals at home if I have time. Finishing off my work on time and being able to listen to instructions.
stop distracting me or each other while doing work.she's praised me for the work I have done and she supports us as we work.Is to continue working hard and paying attention in class