Thursday, 18 May 2023

THANK YOU Manaiakalani and Tamaki College

Following on from my previous post about a learner who moved to the South Island and wished to continue her academics with me......she continued to engage with her learning while working from home by accessing all the resources online via my teacher-created Google site which gave her access to the programme, tracking sheet, CHEAT Sheet, exemplar, rewindable videos and practice test. We met online a few times, at her request, while she worked through her NCEA L2 Probability standard and I am pleased to say that she successfully completed the summative test as well.

This remote teaching and learning was only possible through Manaiakalani and Tamaki College investing time, expertise and support when we went digital circa 2010. The rewindable teaching and learning resources created by me, were a great help as my learner was not totally reliant on me and it encouraged her to "self-manage", one of the key competencies from the NZC and one of my goals this year.

She is now keen to attempt another standard and has already reached out to set up an online meeting for tomorrow. Hopefully I can keep up with her as she tries to gain NCEA L2 this year

Friday, 5 May 2023

I am blessed

Like most teachers, I have learners with diverse needs and I am so fortunate and blessed that my treasures feel safe enough to articulate their needs. 

Here is a snippet of a lesson with a learner who has moved to the South Island and still wants to continue her learning with me for NCEA L2. In addition to access to rewindable teaching and learning resources and communicating via email/GDocs, we also meet online.

The second photo is of a young lady who last attended a mainstream school in year 9. Since joining me this term for NCEA L2, she is flourishing and confident enough to work on the board for all to see her learning.

Providing outlets for learners to express themselves is certainly building their self efficacy in this subject; especially for my learners who often tell me that they HAAAAAATE maths. They are usually met with a standard response of, "take a breath or two and and at least TRY....that is all I ask of you".

They certainly try and it is paying off.