I have spent waaaay toooooo mannny hours trying to source an interactive online word bank resource until I stumbled upon this!
Just thought I'd share to save you the hassle. If you have one of your own, I would love to hear from you. Enjoy!
“Explicitly model concise and consistent language so that learning is maximised.” My learning environment is about maximising learners potential through the use of: mastery (move forward at one's own pace as they master knowledge/skills), vicarious experiences (gain self-confidence while watching others successfully performing), social persuasion (intentional encouragement to adopt an attitude of success and emotional intelligence (ability to control one’s emotions and that of others).
I have spent waaaay toooooo mannny hours trying to source an interactive online word bank resource until I stumbled upon this!
Just thought I'd share to save you the hassle. If you have one of your own, I would love to hear from you. Enjoy!
One of my lovely NCEA L2 students who is making excellent progress this term asked if I could teach her how to tell time once she completes all her assessments. She was able to articulate that fractions stress her out and she has heard about quarter past and half past with regard to time and has no idea how to read it on a clock (analogue time). She has a cell phone and knows how to tell digital time. Will be an interesting lesson going back in time in order to move forward and I am excited for her.
I have been trying to maximise learners potential through the use of MASTERY and VICARIOUS EXPERIENCES.
MASTERY (move forward at one's own pace as they master knowledge/skills) and to date every student in my 11MAT and 12MAT classes have gained NCEA credits as they felt at ease with their learning journey which was done at a pace as determined by them.
VICARIOUS EXPERIENCES (gain self-confidence while watching others successfully performing). I had a new student recently join my 11MAT class and he has already completed 2 assessments and has moved onto a third standard. One of his friends who has been working at a leisurely pace all term has suddenly come to the party and as soon as he walked into class this morning, he asked me for feedback on work that he had done overnight.
Now.....let me pause a while............there is no expectation for our learners to engage with their learning after school hours, and this student has never done so in the past, so when I checked version history on GSheets, true enough ...... he was engaging with his learning till 11.15pm. I love it when a plan comes together.
Here is a snippet of a lesson with a learner who has moved to the South Island and still wants to continue her learning with me for NCEA L2. In addition to access to rewindable teaching and learning resources and communicating via email/GDocs, we also meet online.
The second photo is of a young lady who last attended a mainstream school in year 9. Since joining me this term for NCEA L2, she is flourishing and confident enough to work on the board for all to see her learning.
Providing outlets for learners to express themselves is certainly building their self efficacy in this subject; especially for my learners who often tell me that they HAAAAAATE maths. They are usually met with a standard response of, "take a breath or two and and at least TRY....that is all I ask of you".
They certainly try and it is paying off.
We were privileged to be part of/hosting the inaugural conference for Education ministers and staff from 18 Pacific countries. It is always energising to share what we do in the hope that it helps our neighbours.
Feel free to click this link to hear the impact our school has had on some of our learners.