Friday, 16 August 2019

Patience is a virtue

Earlier this year, one of my Y12 learners struggled to commit to their learning. They completed one of two NCEA L2 standards, moved on to another course for term 2 and then transitioned to a nearby tertiary institution in term 3.

To my surprise, my learner returned in term 3 to complete unfinished work from term 1. He would set himself up every Friday and managed his learning by working through his unfinished term 1 programme.

Today (week 4), my learner finished his assessment and gained NCEA L2 Maths credits. While chatting to him he mentioned that he had set himself a few goals; one of them was sitting his driver's test next week. I am going to be bold and say that sitting his maths test was another of his goals.

Without patience and persistence, my learner would not have gained his L2 credits today. Patience is a virtue.