These are my reflections after being at my school for a term.
STUDENT ENGAGEMENT - the majority of my learners in all classes sat their formative and summative assessments before the due date as they felt confident enough about expectations for each standard and had provided sufficient evidence of their learning journey.
ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT - my learners academic achievement was above national achievement data for each standard taught during the term
WHANAU ENGAGEMENT - participation in learning conversations at our Home School Partnership (HSP) evening increased from 52% the previous year in term 1 to 71% in 2019 in term 1.
I ended the term on a high and was eager to continue the trend in term 2.
With the transition of students to completely different courses and teachers in term 2, I am finding that it is taking longer for my learners to settle into new routines which seemed to work so well the previous term. I realised that rolling enrolments started much later in term 1 compared to term 2, so my learners who had previously had more time to adjust to classroom routines and expectations as a group, now had to contend with new enrolments much earlier in the term. The rest of the class were not ready to self-manage (one of the 5 key competencies) to an acceptable standard when I devoted time to those who had enrolled late so early in the new term.
I had 2 options:
Option 1 - suggest that the school delay late enrolments till after week 4 to give me and my students time to set up sound working relationships. This is not even worth voicing to our Senior Leadership Team as it goes against our kaupapa; I had to come up with a more viable option which brings me to.....
Option 2 - invest time into creating REWINDABLE learning resources for students where they can hear me explaining or outlining expectations, success criteria and strategies needed for the various standards which will save me spreading myself too thinly and make settling in more manageable for learners and me.
I promise to post a rewindable resource soon and look forward to getting your feedback to help me improve.